• For if you forgive others their offenses, your heavenly Father will forgive you as well. Mt 6:14

    Forgiving and asking for forgiveness are hard for most of us. Yet some of our most rewarding experiences come as a result of these. We grow in relationship with Yahvah and with others when we are forced to confront sin, to repent of it, to seek and also grant forgiveness, and then receive it.

    A wrong spirit toward another person may or may not hurt him, but it is certain to hurt you. An unforgiving spirit can be dynamite to our souls. Shakespeare tells us that "the quality of mercy is not strain'd, it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven." When we consider how great our debt is to Yahvah, it should be easy for us to forgive others. But we can allow bitterness and resentment to grow in our hearts. We can surround ourselves with an unforgiving spirit and block the abundance of Yahvah's mercy that is available to us.

    When we are inclined to be unforgiving, we should remember that even while on the stake, Messiah practiced what He had preached on Earth when he prayed: "Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing." Lk 23:34

    PRAYER: Yahvah, please give me a heart that is eager to forgive as I have been forgiven. Apostle Dr. T.
