Evening 7-31-23 T&M Put on your New Nature.

  • Put on your New Nature.

    Scripture Reference: Colossians‬ 3‬:9‬-10‬ KJV‬‬ - “Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; and have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:”

    When the Bible says put on your “New Nature” it means, cover yourselves with the whole divine nature and essence of Yahvahosha the Messiah and be renewed as you learn to become like Him. In effect, the new nature makes you become like Jesus, to be the exact Image in which we were created in before the fall of Adam. The whole coming of Yahvahosha was to save us and translate us back into the Image which we lost when Adam sinned and disobeyed Yahvah. Putting on the new Nature makes you become like the Creator as we read in the opening verse.

    But how then are some Brethren not seeing the results of their new life in Messiah Yahvahosha? Our theme verse from Colossians 3:10 says “Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like Him.” From the theme verse, we are told to put on our new nature, and become like Jesus. It means that even though we’re born again, there is a responsibility left on the side of the individual to consciously put on the new nature of the born again lifestyle. That is why some even though they are born again, they still are under the oppression of the wicked one. It is important to understand and have knowledge about the things which are given unto us in Messiah Yahvahosha and begin to talk them into realities in our lives, so that we can enjoy it the fullness of the born again experience! That New Nature is the realities of the Supernatural that is not and cannot be subject to the influences of this natural, because that “new nature” is the Divine Life of Yahvahosha. That new nature is the supernatural lifestyle of the born again believer.

    When you’re born again, you are translated from the world and it’s influences from the god of this world who is even Satan. He no longer has access to you again, because you have overcome him by the finished work of Yahvahosha on the cross. And the Bible makes it clear that we have been raised to a new life with Messiah Yahvahosha and we are seated with Messiah far and above all principalities and powers of hell. How’ve in order to enjoy these realities of the Heavenly Places you must become aware and conscious of the New Nature; the real Life of Yahvahosha the Messiah.

    For example, when someone is sick, he loses the nature of Messiah, because Yahvahosha the Messiah cannot be sick, that is; the divine life and health of Yahvahosha the Messiah cannot be corrupted with sicknesses and diseases. So the covering of divine health has been removed from the person, and thus the person is exposed to the harsh conditions of this world from a wicked ruler of this world – Satan.

    So now when you pray for such an individual to be healed, we say he or she has re-covered from the sickness. Which is to say, the individual has “put on again” the divine health of Yahvahosha.

    However, it is very possible to have the covering of the Supernatural Life on forever without being exposed to sicknesses and diseases if you shall put on your New Nature that comes from the born again life of the believer everyday and walk in it consciously and confessing it with your mouth daily! It is possible to live a sickness-free life when you consciously put on the New Nature of Yahvahosha and walk in it consciously!
