                     SECRETS OF LIFE 12-8-23
    "Now is the time to strike back fiercely, ferociously, all out at the
    inhuman forces that attack wherever they sneak to. Now is the time for
    you to become conscious and alert to the fact that you have some action
    to take for your own deliverance from those that hit and run in the dark
    and leave you crying. So that is your first important thought for the
    You have an aggressive action to take against what's been taking you and
    wrestling you down to the ground all the time. You have to do something!
    No more playing the phony role of the nice man, the gentle, pleasant, so
    lovable woman. That is one vital action for you to take, to see that you
    have no energy to take the battle to the enemy and chase it off the
    field. You have no energy or attention because your energy and attention
    is being given to being pretenseful and worrying over, 'Would I be bad
    if I spoke up for myself? Would I be a guilty and unpleasant person if I
    became aggressive against whatever is bothering me? And I don't know
    what it is.'
    You see, you have all sorts of timidities, all sorts of fears about what
    will happen to you if you become conscious of the fierce foes that are
    hurting you. You're worried what will happen if you see them and then
    try to destroy them, which you must do. Now that thinking is itself part
    of the enemy.
    You don't have to be afraid of anything - listen to me, please. Don't be
    fearful over doing anything that is true, that is godly, that is
    healthy, that is right."
        from a talk given 6/20/1992
      V. H's Higher World - MP3 CD Volume 34, talk 854, track 25