do we really need a title?

  • I don't like coming up with titles for blogs even though I understand the concept.  Today is Friday, a Sabbath from sunset till sunset the next day, a time to rest.  I'm not a strict observer but I do acknowledge the event.

    When I was in Utah working for Edo, we used a silver paste that had to be thinned with toluene.  On the however side though, a company I can't remember the name of out of Arizona was trying to help us find a water base paste.  Their rep was named Phil and he would come to our meetings sometimes and he always provided pizza for the event.  Dupont's rep never, ever came to any of our meetings, much less buy any pizza.  But I did find out that close to the same time I lost my sanity, so did one of the sons of the Dupont family, in fact, he killed someone.  that's a lot to say in one paragraph ain't it?

    A few months after I lost my sanity some girl shot up a radio station in Utah because she thought they were broadcasting things about her personal life.  Funny thing is, I kinda thought the same thing about a different radio station, but it wouldn't have been far fetched if they were.  My ex had a sister who had a friend who frequented the station.  I liked the DJs so I don't think I'd have ever showed up to shoot the place up even if I believed, as I did, that I was the butte of an ongoing joke.

    I thought Sonny Bono was investigating some stuff and that song "Sunny came home" was letting hollyweird know about it.........Sonny died the following year.

    I thought about people who found themselves in a pickle.......maybe they had a stalker, maybe they were facing some trouble with the law or maybe they wanted a different life from what they had.  I posted online how the mormons had birth and death certificates and how it would be the perfect place to find the documents to establish a new identity.  The following year that place was shot up and some people there were killed.

    Someone was harassing me and they had helpers.  I had no helpers and no one to express to what was happening.  I presumed it might be the mormons, or some subset of the mormons.  My crime?  Telling the congregants that Jesus was the way to heaven, not the church.  I was the leaven in the lump.  These people are great with mind games, so great they almost got me to kill myself to "save" my family, even though I'm not completely sure that I would have had the courage to actually pull the trigger.  I had a nice insurance policy in the case of my demise so I don't know if my husband at the time was hoping to cash in on that, or maybe his girlfriend thought it would make a really nice wedding present for them.  I wasn't sure if I heard a murder but I was pretty sure they were trying to drive me insane or at least make it appear so.  For this reason I didn't call the cops about what I heard upstairs.  I wasn't in the mood to be labeled as crazy or made a fool called me eventually and told me to come home before David put me out in the snow.

    he wanted to go home with me but I wanted a family and when I asked him about my reproductive desires, he told me to find someone and have a baby.  That's when I knew he didn't love me so taking him home with me was out of the question.  Once I was home he wanted me to visit his children but spying on his ex for him and leading "they" to the children was also out of the question.

    Now, lets see if this is allowed to be posted.