Seeing God In Our Circumstances

  • Seeing God in Our Circumstances
    ...I shall come to you. (Romans 15:24 NKJV)
    Everyday we face unseen forces that are intent on distracting us from what God is calling us to do. Things happen that cause concern, worry and anxiety. Other things happen that seem good, but they take the focus off of God.
    Paul laid out his plans at the end of the book of Romans. His intent was to go on a missionary journey to Spain. On the way to Spain, his plan was to visit the Romans. However, that did not happen. When he arrived in Jerusalem, Paul was arrested and he was in jail for two years.
    When he finally arrived in Rome, it was not on his way to Spain, but as a prisoner headed to trial. Even then, the Lord was in the circumstances. When we look at our circumstances in the right way, God’s way, we can clearly see His hand as He guides us.
    Just like Paul, we should be planning for the future and doing the best we can to manage the days with wisdom. But God is still Lord of the circumstances, and when things don’t go as we had hoped or planned, it is still our responsibility to surrender to His will.
    God’s answers to life’s questions are not just proven by the process of abstract reasoning; they are also sustained by the rigors of experience.
    – Ravi Zacharias